Xord hits the landmark of contribution in blockchain in Pakistan by successfully getting their pull request merged on Ethereum. This story began when the bright minds of our research team Novon, Ammar Lakho, and Abdul Sami Jawed hopped on the opportunity of resolving an open issue on Lodestar subjected to Ethereum blockchain. Days passed, and our code was soon merged, making Xord the first contributor from Pakistan in the Ethereum network. Chainsafe Systems developed the open-source Typescript project named Lodestar on Github. The issue included enabling support between a remote signer and a validator on the Ethereum blockchain. Our team forked the code and applied our solution to this problem. Within days it was approved and merged. We have paved our way to development by consistent excellence in the blockchain. The contribution to Ethereum is also a national milestone for us. Xord being an identity of blockchain advocacy, looks at this opportunity as a revolution for blockchain technology on a national scale and envisions to further escalate the process of blockchain development globally. Also Read: Xord’s Achievements in The Year 2021