In this article, you will learn the core components of Blockchain architecture, key characteristics of Blockchain architecture, Blockchain algorithm, and types of Blockchain architecture. However, there is a difference between various Blockchains, but herein is a general architecture. Meanwhile, it is worthy to note that some Blockchains like Polkadot, Ontology, Cosmos, etc operate multiple chains. Before we go any further, let us explain Blockchain architecture. Blockchain architecture explains everything that is involved in the development of Blockchain technology. You can refer to it as the basis of Blockchain technology. For example, the architecture of the World Wide Web uses a server-client network. The server confines all the information in one place (a single point of failure). However, the architecture of Blockchain technology is such that every participant within the network approves, maintains, and updates new entries. In other words, the Blockchain architecture ensures that all records and data are valid and secured. Although the participants may not trust one another, they are always able to reach a consensus. This architecture is made up of many structures and components that work together to provide users with an immutable system. This brings us to the components that form the basis of Blockchain technology. Here are the fundamental components of the Blockchain regardless of types. Below are the key characteristics you can see within a Blockchain architecture. Since the inception of Blockchain technology, there have been lots of established algorithms. Also, more algorithms are being developed to solve the faults of the already existing algorithms. Let’s take a look at the various Blockchain algorithms. There are three basic categories of Blockchain architecture and they include the following: The explanation of these three Blockchain types is in the table below. Blockchain offers solutions to organizations, centralized security, and privacy. Hence, Federated and Hybrid Blockchain becomes necessary. Hybrid Blockchain combines the strengths of public and private Blockchain. Federated Blockchain is solely for the consortium to manage organizational processes and governance. However, more research will deepen decentralization, privacy, and scalability with several Blockchains. Also read: Applications of Blockchain Technology Need help with building your Blockchain project? Connect with our Blockchain experts at Xord for Blockchain consultation. Link: Is Blockchain Architecture?
The Core Components Of Blockchain Architecture
Hashes help to identify changes in any block. The hash is the main element behind the security of any Blockchain architecture. Theoretically, a strong computer processor can adjust all the blocks. However, such a possibility is eliminated with the proof-of-work concept. The proof-of-work allows a node to slow down the process of creating new blocks.Key Characteristics of Blockchain Architecture
The Blockchain Algorithms
The Proof-of-Our Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) are both existing consensus algorithms. Other broad types of consensus are the Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) Model, Hybrid Model, delegated Proof of Stake, Proof of Burn. Meanwhile, the Blockchain Consensus Encyclopedia, suggests that there are over 72 consensus mechanisms.
Clustering is the analysis you carry out on a set of data. It also involves the generation of grouping rules that can be used to classify future data. The Association rule is the specific association relationship that exists among a set of objects in a database. Sequence analysis is the analysis of patterns that appear in a sequence. In a Blockchain network, miners use computers to quickly guess the answers to a puzzle. When a miner locates the hash that matches the target, he/she will be awarded in cryptocurrency. The block is then validated by each of the nodes in the network and added to their copy of the ledger.
When miner A finds the hash, miner B will stop all work on the current block. In Ethereum, a miner finds a block in 12-15 seconds. The algorithm automatically readjusts the difficulty level to ensure all miners remain within the 12-15 second solution time.Types Of Blockchain Architecture
Characteristics Public Blockchain Consortium Blockchain Private Blockchain Consensus determination All miners Only selected set of nodes One organization Read permission Public Either public or private Can be public or restricted Immutability Highly improbable to tamper Could be tampered Could be tampered Efficiency Low High High Centralization No Partial Yes The consensus process Permissionless Permissioned Permissioned Conclusion